All the cool kids are doing it

Sunday, June 25, 2006

As promised yesterday, here's some cool stuff I've come across with all my free time (mostly at work unfortunately........)

EPSON digital paper: (found at Remember that movie with Val Kilmer, where they went to Mars and their robot got all wacky and started hunting them down? Me neither, it was pretty lame, but they did have some cool gadgets, including these flexible computer displays that they could roll up. Epson's one step closer to them with their digital paper. Here's the run down; it's a thin sheet of flexible plastic that can display a black and white digital image. It only requires power while the images is changing, and even then it's only 6 volts. There's so many uses for this thing it's ridiculous. Imagine not having to get a paper copy of the newspaper everyday, carrying around your current reading material on something slightly larger than a single piece of paper, or being able to download a map of your next hike that was more durable than paper, but not locked in a fragile, and expensive, PDA. I've been intrigued by e-book readers in the past, but the sheer bulk (ok, and the cost) have always turned me away. If they could make the screen touch sensitive, you could cram it full of crossword puzzles and sudoku.........

REAL life alien...uh... life: ( Ok, it's not much more than some unidentified dust, but as potentially the first evidence of life from a non-Earth type place, I'm really surprised this story hasn't been more widely published. It's not definitive, but it does open up some interesting possibilities about the origin of life on Earth. Did life develop here because of the hospitable climate, or did it merely survive here after being carried from somewhere else? It's one of those questions that's really fascinating but has an answer that has practically zero bearing on your day to day life, which are just about my favorite type of question.

Monkey man: ( Ok, this may fall into the category of "stupid" more so than cool, but it made me laugh, so it's in the mix. Apparently, intrigued by the idea that the dietary needs of a primate and the needs of a person wouldn't be that far off, this guy decided to subsist on nothing but zoo grade primate chow (PDF file) for one solid week. (According to him, the manufacturer add the phrase " non-human primates" after he began the experiment.) It is economical, I'll give him that. And looking over the ingredients, there's not much there you don't find in stuff you eat every day. I'd like to see how this stuff stacks up against a good ol' MRE. Of course, the zoo doesn't have "Chili Mac" flavored primate chow, so there's no danger of me switching.


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